Vol 1, No 1 (2011)

Revista Española de Ozonoterapia

Tabla de contenidos / Table of Contents


Por qué Revista Española de Ozonoterapia PDF
Adriana Schwartz

Artículos originales

Ozonotherapy for inflamatory diseases in female genital organs PDF (English)
Gennady Grechkanev O., Rajani Chandra-D’Mello, Adriana Schwartz Tapia
Retinitis Pigmentosa patients treated with ozone therapy during 20 years. Cuban experiences PDF
Mirta Copello, Silvia Menéndez
Ozonoterapia en la Parálisis Cerebral. Hospital Pediátrico Provincial. Sancti Spíritus. 2006-2009 PDF
Agne E. Díaz, Yusimit Fraga, Migdiala Soria, Maikel Gómez
Effect of ozone therapy on redox status in experimentally induced arthritis PDF
M.Nabil. Mawsouf, Maha.M. El-Sawalhi, Hebatalla A. Darwish, Amira A. Shaheen, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Lamberto Re
Adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen and ozone therapy in the treatment of chronic leg and foot ulcers (pilot clinical study) PDF
Ahmed M. Fathi Fathi, M.Nabil. Mawsouf
Factores de crecimiento derivados de plaquetas y sus aplicaciones en medicina regenerativa. Potencialidades del uso del ozono como activador PDF
Adriana Schwartz, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Lamberto Re
Oxygen-ozone therapy is at a cross-road PDF
Velio Bocci, Emma Borrelli, Iacopo Zanardi, Valter Travagli
Ozone concentration measurements. State of the art PDF
Manuel Delgado
The pioneer of the modern ozone therapy: Professor VELIO BOCCI PDF
Roberto Quintero Marino

ISSN: 2659-8647